Anyone can become a Library Advocate!
If you haven't already done so, take a moment to enroll as a Library Advocate and receive the New York Library Association's "Advocacy Alerts." These infrequent emails contain information on when your action is needed and how you can give support. This is a good time to enroll to receive these messages, since the budget process is underway NOW. The New York Library Association will be sending another call to action soon. Don't miss out on being a voice for New York's libraries.
Warm Regards,
Tessa Killian
Executive Director
Keep scrolling down the newsletter for details on each of these events.
At a glance:
View for all announced Southeastern events on our upcoming events webpage
Reference Special Interest Group
Reference SIG
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Southeastern Conference Room
Facilitator: Beth Zambito, Newburgh Free Library
Register here:
This will be the second meeting of the Special Interest Group for Reference Librarians! The meeting is open to staff from all types: academic, public, hospital, special, etc. We will talk about the similarities and differences between different kinds of reference and get to the heart of the matter: best practices for getting patrons the materials they need.
The discussion will be informal, and the agenda will be finalized by attendees based on what topics are of interest to the group. If you are new to Southeastern's SIG meetings or if you want to catch up, we have created a libguide so that you can view notes from previous SIG Meetings.
Registration is free for all members and affiliate members. (Members of members, and of other ESLN councils.) We hope you can join us.
Technology Special Interest Group - FOLIO
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Southeastern
Facilitator: Denise Garofalo, Mount Saint Mary College
Register here:
Have you heard about the community collaboration to develop an open source Library Services Platform (LSP) known as FOLIO? Would you like to learn about this initiative together? Come to the Information Technology SIG meeting for mutual discovery and discussion of this partnership to innovate, develop a new open source library services platform, and transform library technology.
Representatives from EBSCO will be at the meeting explain more about FOLIO and answer questions about this new Library Services Platform.
Check out and for background info to prepare for our meeting.
Registration is free for all members and affiliate members. (Members of members, and of other ESLN councils.)
Academic Library Director's SIG
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Southeastern
Facilitator: Kari Mack, SUNY Ulster
Register here:
The focus of this meeting will be a discussion about leadership and library culture. Through group discussion and a small group exercise, we invite you to discuss how leadership affects change in the library’s culture. Questions to consider are:
This meeting is for Southeastern members who are directors of academic libraries. Assistant directors and department leaders who work in an administrative capacity at large institutions are also welcome. We look forward to seeing you here!
SENY-Con 2018
Date: Friday, April 13, 2018
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Southeastern Conference Room
Trainers: Southeastern's Members
SENY-Con is an annual conference to highlight the unique talents and skills that are held by the library professionals in the Southeastern region. This event is made possible due to an outpouring of enthusiasm from our members, and the event is free for all Southeastern members. We hope you can join us!
9:00am: Registration, coffee, snacks
9:30am - 12:15pm Morning Sessions:
12:15pm - 1:15pm: LUNCH
1:15pm - 4:30pm Afternoon Sessions:
Facilitator: Lara Patel, SUNY Orange
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Southeastern Conference Room
free for Southeastern members and members of BOCES School Library Systems
More info and registration at:
The High School to College Transition group is focused on letting high school and college librarians share their experiences with each other. The goal of this group is to help high school librarians prepare students for college, and for academic librarians to gain a better idea of where students are coming from and how they can help.
Through conversation, this SIG will work to ease students’ transition between high school and college. The agenda will be set by the group. Topics of discussion could include college readiness, the first-year college experience, and enhancing critical thinking, and working with college programs in the high school, preparing for the second half of the school year, and follow-up from our previous meetings and workshops. Staff at any Southeastern member institution who work directly with students are welcome.
Couldn't join us last time and want to catch up? Notes from the previous meeting are available on the SIG LibGuide here.
Filling your ILL Toolbox
Filling your ILL Toolbox
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Time: 9:30am - 3:00pm
Location: Southeastern NY Library Resources Council, 21 S. Elting Corners Rd. Highland, NY
Moderator: Jessica Sherman, Poughkeepsie Public Library District
Cost: $25 without lunch, $35 with lunch
Register here:
All interlibrary loan and interested staff from the region are invited to attend Filling Your ILL Toolbox on May 2 at Southeastern. This will be a day devoted to resource sharing topics for interlibrary loan staff to learn from experts and each other. Carrie Russell from the ALA Washington office, and author of Complete Copyright: An Everyday Guide for Librarians will make a virtual presentation on copyright and interlibrary loan.
A panel of resource sharing experts includes Emily Wager from the Capital District Library Council; Tracy Sutherland from Vassar College Libraries; Tara Stohr, Mid-Hudson Library System and Cindy Dubinski, East Fishkill Community Library.
Activities will include, and are not limited to:
Do you have an ILL resource to recommend to others? Or a topic you would like to hear discussed? Or perhaps you have an ILL stumper to challenge the experts. Add it to the notes box when you register to bring it to the attention of the planning group.
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Featuring a keynote presentation by James LaRue, Director Office for Intellectual Freedom, American Library Association and Executive Director, The Freedom to Read Foundation, who will present a keynote presentation on Intellectual Freedom, Social Justice, and the Signs of the Times.
Intellectual freedom is one of the core values of librarianship. But it hasn’t always been so. And it has been facing new challenges lately. Today, not only books are challenged. Libraries, schools, and universities have been attacked for their programs, exhibits, displays, and even databases. How should today’s librarians navigate a world in which there is both support for social justice, and profound attempts to silence dissent?
Schedule of Events:
9:00am | Continental Breakfast, Registration, and vendor displays |
9:30am | Welcome Remarks by Tessa Killian, Executive Director, Southeastern |
9:45am | Business meeting, committee recognition, and Twila Snead Award Presentation by Mary Ellen Leimer, Board of Trustees President, Southeastern |
10:45am | Keynote Presentation by James LaRue “Intellectual Freedom, Social Justice, and the Signs of the Times” |
12:00pm | Lunch & networking opportunities |
1:00pm | Optional Tours of Vassar College |
Accommodations for the meeting have been made possible in part by our generous sponsors:
Library Support Staff SIG
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Southeastern
Facilitator: Amy Smith, Red Hook Public Library
This event is free for all Southeastern members and affiliate members. (Members of members.)
Register here:
This is a meeting for support staff at academic and public libraries in the Southeastern Region to have an open conversation and to meet each other. The agenda and meeting topics are set by the SIG participants. Discussion topics could include, and are not limited to:
Topics not covered in this meeting can be addressed at subsequent meetings of this group!
If you didn't make it last time, you are always welcome to join us this time! Notes from the previous meeting are on our SIG LibGuide here.
Educator Lab: High School to College Transition
Date: Tuesday, June 26 - Thursday, June 28
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: FDR Museum & Mount Saint Mary College
Event co-sponsors: Dutchess BOCES, Ulster BOCES, Orange-Ulster BOCES
These workshops will take place over three days. Attendees can come to one, two, or all three of the classes. See full class descriptions below.
Hudson Valley Resources
Tuesday, June 26, 9:00am - 4:00pm
@FDR Presidential Library and Museum
Hyde Park, NY
Information Literacy
Wednesday, June 27, 9:00am - 4:00pm
@FDR Presidential Library and Museum
Hyde Park, NY
Research Proficiency
Thursday, June 28, 9:00am - 4:00pm
@Mount Saint Mary College
330 Powell Ave, Newburgh, NY
Classes are $30 each, or $75 for the entire series. Lunch is included.
Southeastern NY Library Resources Council is a certified sponsor of CTLE credit through the New York State Department of Education. Each class is 6 hours.
Register here:
Registration Deadline is June 4, 2018!
These Information literacy and research proficiency workshops will use active learning techniques to introduce classroom teachers to a wide range of free teaching and learning resources for practical use in the 21st century classroom. The classes will be taught by college and school librarians to provide educators with a solid foundation for teaching students how to be more information literate and how to use research in action so they are prepared for college.
These workshops will take place over three days. Attendees can come to one, two, or all three of the classes.
Who is the audience for these workshops?
Any 6th-12th grade classroom teacher who assigns research projects.
6/26/2018 Archival Resources in the Hudson Valley:
Learn about the network of local primary sources, many of which are unique to our region. You will learn about how use archives and government resources in school projects and how to incorporate websites like Hudson River Valley Heritage into lesson plans.
This workshop will be held at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, NY
6/27/2018 Information Literacy:
Understanding effective search on Google and Wikipedia, website evaluation, copyright, plagiarism, citing sources, and how to incorporate Empire State Information Fluency Continuum and other standards in assignments that foster critical thinking.
This workshop will be held at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, NY
6/28/2018 Research Proficiency:
What is expected in a current college research assignment, how to create good research questions, time management, achieving an understanding of how to incorporate the library’s catalog, databases, and lesser-known services into effective research. This class will be held in a college library and will cover hands-on activities that you can apply to your own school’s library and other academic libraries in the Hudson Valley.
This workshop will be held at the the Mount Saint Mary College Library in Newburgh, NY
The workshops will include ongoing work on an annotated bibliography of resources that attendees can use in support of an instructional unit or objective. All participants will receive a binder of handouts for use in classroom instruction.
New titles added to HRVH Historical Newspapers!
Mahopac Public Library, with support from the Putnam County Historian’s Office, has contributed the following titles:
Putnam County Courier, 1852-1930
The Democratic Courier, 1849-1851
The Putnam Democrat, 1849
The Chatham Public Library, with support from their Friends Group, has contributed the following titles:
The Chatham Courier, 1862-1923
The Chatham Republican, 1886-1895
New exhibits added to HRVH:
Tugboats: Workhorses of the Hudson River, created by the Hudson River Maritime Museum, features tug and tow boats that powered the movement of freight along the Hudson River in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Tug “H.D. Mould” at the Newburgh Day Line pier ca. 1900. Cornell tugs were stationed at the main ports along the Hudson ready to tow and move freight whenever they were needed.
Rising Time: Artifacts and Photographs from the Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History presents artifacts collected from a former family-operated bakery to tell twin stories of continuity and change in Kingston’s Rondout community between the 1870s and 2004.
Reher Family Portrait, ca. 1913. Ade Reher, a Russian-Jewish immigrant, purchased the buildings at 99-101 Broadway, Kingston in 1907. Her family operated a kosher bakery downstairs and lived upstairs.
The “Sunday List.” Willie Reher kept a list of Sunday regulars written on a brown paper bag so that customers’ rolls would be ready for pick-up when they arrived after church. View the Sunday List in HRVH. Learn more about Sundays at the Bakery on the Reher Center website.
The four previous Twila Snead Award For Excellence winners were selected because of their exceptional and exciting projects and service to their institutions. The award has been presented to:
Consider nominating your institution, yourself, or a colleague for the Twila Snead Award. There are shining stars among our membership that deserve recognition!
If you have any questions about the award or the presentations, please email Tessa.
The Board of Trustees of Southeastern NY Library Resources Council (SENYLRC) has opened the nomination period for this year’s award. This award is designed to recognize an outstanding member library, cultural heritage organization, program, service, or staff member.
The award is named in honor of Twila Snead, who was the Medical Library Manager at St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital in Newburgh, NY for twenty years. Twila was recognized for her exemplary work as a committed, innovative, solo librarian and leader who served her own institution with distinction and generously shared her passion, knowledge and technological skills with colleagues and the wider library community. She was constantly learning, advocating for resources and services, developing her technological expertise, and thinking creatively about advocacy and outreach. Her demonstrated professional commitment, hard work, and dedication to continuous improvement established the framework that inspired this award for excellence in librarianship.
Please see the links below for information about eligibility, criteria, and the nomination process.
More information at:
This exhibition was curated by Heidi Ziemer of the Western New York Library Resources Council, with Dan Ward, in partnership with Empire State Digital Network with funding from Humanities New York. Exhibition materials contributed by Empire State Digital Network, The New York Public Library, David Rumsey, Digital Commonwealth, HathiTrust, Illinois Digital Heritage Hub, Indiana Memory, Library of Congress, Minnesota Digital Library, Missouri Hub, Mountain West Digital Library, Recollection Wisconsin, and Smithsonian Institution.
The online exhibition is complimented with a 4-poster display for travel to libraries across the state. ***If you are interested in hosting the posters, please contact Jennifer Palmentiero***
The Online Exhibition:
This 1927 mural of the opening of the Erie Canal in October 1825
was painted by Raphael Beck of Lockport, New York.
Courtesy of Niagara County Historical Society
via Western New York Library Resources Council and Empire State Digital Network.
Save the Date and Call for Proposals!
The Library is Open: Academic Libraries 2018 Conference
October 11 & 12, 2018 | Hotel Ithaca, Ithaca, NY
Trends in higher education are introducing open learning, Open Educational Resources (OERs), educational commons, and other notions of openness in academic communities. To meet these needs, academic libraries are reimagining their spaces, collections, technologies, and services to position themselves for a future that is more open. What has your library done to become more open?
We invite all librarians and library staff to submit proposals for conference presentations, posters, and/or lightning talks. Deadline for proposal submissions: Friday, March 23rd
Suggested Presentation Topics:
If you have any questions about a proposal, please contact: Amber Amidon by email at or by phone at (315) 268-4454.
Visit the Academic Libraries Conference page for more information, including a tentative schedule and list of invited speakers. We look forward to seeing you there!
Academic Libraries 2018 is sponsored by the Empire State Library Network, New York Library Association's Academic and Special Libraries Section, and the Eastern NY Association of College & Research Libraries.
WALDO - 2018 Spring Update
Robert Karen, Director of Procurement Services at WALDO will present the 2018 spring update on all things WALDO including new products, trends in the marketplace, and a quick review of the upcoming summer renewals.
We will dive into current industry news and trends covering online resources (ebooks, journals, and databases) and technology (discovery, ILS, and new library services). We will also highlight emerging procurement models, what is the next big vendor acquisition to happen this summer, feedback from the recent library conference (ALA Midwinter and Charleston), plus several more topics.
We will spend time talking about why your knowledgebase will never be 100% accurate and identify all the problems in the supply chain. Still using EZproxy? As several new options are rolling out -- libraries need to examine these new services and what is required to move forward with these tools. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the overall direction the industry is moving as well as tools to better identify the strategies in play to help reduce the cost of your current online resources.
Please join the meeting on April 25th @ 10:30 AM ET by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: m73-748-064
Dial: 646 663 6036 to join the conference call.
Your Meeting ID: 73748064
Robert Karen, Director of Procurement Services
Direct Dial: 914-864-1611
All library staff are welcome to attend this great event that will be held June 6--8, 2018 in Corning, NY. Meet and share ideas with library staff from around the state, and learn a new thing or two!
The early registration deadline is April 13 and final registration is due by May 11*:
*Members save on their conference registration fee! NYSLAA is offering FREE membership to NEW members April 4--8 in recognition of National Library Week. Visit in April for more information.
We frequently post jobs that are open in the region. If you haven't visited lately, check out the Employment Page on our website. And if you know of an open position from Intern to Director, please email it to us at, and we will be happy to post it for you!
Finger Lakes Community College
June 13-15, 2018
Call for Poster Session Proposals
Deadline to submit: March 23, 2018
There has been a lot of talk about "open" lately -- open educational resources, open pedagogy, open access, etc. At the SUNYLA 2018 Annual Conference, we will delve into the concept of openness through the more general terms of openly welcoming new ideas, campus partners, materials, and strategies into our libraries. Please join us at Finger Lakes Community College on June 13-15, 2018, as we explore how our academic libraries are pushing the boundaries beyond books and databases and opening new territory both within and beyond our walls.
The poster session will take place on Thursday afternoon, June 14, 4:15-6:15pm.
Please submit poster session proposals here: Call for Poster Session Proposals
All SUNY and non-SUNY librarians and staff are invited to submit proposals for the poster session.
Please note:
* Wifi is available in the poster session area, as are a limited number of electrical outlets. If you plan to use an electronic display, please bring a fully charged device.
* For information about expense reimbursement, please see the Guidelines for the SUNYLA Annual Conference expenses.
If you have any questions please contact April Broughton,
-> Mark your calendars and plan to meet up at the 2018 SUNYLA Conference <-
We look forward to seeing you all at SUNYLA 2018!
We have switched our mailing list over to Mail Chimp. In order make certain future mailings don't get bounced to your spam folder, you should "opt-in" to the newsletter mailing list.
You can confirm your subscription with this link:
Southeastern News is a group effort of input from Southeastern's staff and is edited by Carolyn Bennett Glauda, Member Services Librarian for Education and Outreach.
Got news to share with the members? Email at any time. New hires, retirements, projects, we want to hear from you!