LibGuides as a Bookmark Manager/Start Page (Jerry Kuntz - Ramapo Catskill Library System)
Cloud-based bookmark manager/start page services offer many advantages over built-in browser bookmark features, or browser add-ons: no need for a browser company account; no need to stick with one browser product. But they cost money. LibGuides offers an ideal platform for library staff to organize their bookmarked links and create their own start page, accessible wherever they go from whatever browser they choose
Is OpenAthens for you? (Denise A. Garofalo, Mount Saint Mary College; Nancy Grimaldi, EBSCO)
In April 2020, Mount Saint Mary College began their implementation of OpenAthens, a fully hosted and supported, secure, single sign-on solution to replace their EZ Proxy authentication system. Join Denise Garofalo, Librarian, Systems and Catalog Services at Mount Saint Mary College and Nancy Grimaldi, NY Academic Regional Sales Manager, EBSCO to learn about the process of evaluating, selecting and implementing OpenAthens and key benefits realized by both the library staff and the user experience.
Building a Marketing Plan for an Event, Program, or Initiative (Jennifer Chess, United States Military Academy Library, West Point, NY)
I'll discuss how to build a marketing plan for an event, program, or initiative, to including thinking about different audiences and multiple types of media. I'll show examples to help illustrate my points.