A library of 60,000+ e-books, many of which are in the public domain. Users can download books or read them online.
Hathitrust provides access to millions of digitized materials, including books, documents, and manuscripts.
A directory of peer-reviewed academic books that are open access.
A database of over 2 million open access books hosted by the University of Pennsylvania.
Core aggregates OA materials from journals and repositories across the world.
Pubmed Central is an archive of full-text articles relating to biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
A search engine for academic resources operated by Bielefield University Library. About 60% of the indexed documents are available via open access.
A Wikipedia list of various research databases and search engines. The list shows which ones are free, which can be a good way to find open access materials.
A directory of open access journals currently numbering at about 20,000 titles. The included journals are considered to be high quality & are peer reviewed.
This site includes digitized materials from NYSL such as reports from from various New York State Agencies.
This page provides some tips on finding state documents at the state library.
A search interface for locating official federal government publications.
A database of over 5 million OA graduate theses and dissertations published around the world.
A database of open dissertations hosted by Ebsco.
A database of open theses and dissertations from Proquest.
Digitized, freely available newspapers from the Hudson Valley region.
A database of digitized newspapers from across New York State.
A free database for NY residents providing access to many state newspapers. It includes the New York Times from 1995 on, as well as over 1,000 local newspapers. This is provided through NOVELNY.
Chronicling America provides access to a searchable directory of U.S. newspapers published since 1690. It also contains some freely available digitized newspapers.
This libguide from SCSU includes links to a huge variety of open access resources for materials such as books, journals, databases, teaching materials, and multi-media items.