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Special Interest Group Archive: Resource Sharing 9/14/23

These are the notes from meetings dating back to 2015.

September 14, 2023

The Resource Sharing SIG met at Vassar College on September 14, 2023


How’s it going at your library?

Academic Librarian is new and working solo. Follow-up with him about SEAL API.

Special projects

Collaboratory with media / tech equipment for patrons to use; ultimately some items will loan.

Library of Things: These are a cataloging challenge.

Challenges for LoT: items walk away; no one manages, so it languishes

Public Library got a grant to buy stuff, chromebooks from Assemblymember; also have a Tech Academy program – link up with DNHV?

RCLS passport: patrons and staff visit libraries

Public Library: LoT things that don’t go: garden tools; hiking backpacks; Nintendo Switch does circulate; seed library

To Do:share link: BaseCamp:can does forms, direct emails, task lists, polls; possibly a license; prefer to Slack

Billing Policies:No fines, only replacement cost; a year after the due date; current market cost of the book

Prefer replacement cost to whatever people buy and bring in.

Academic Library: charges $80, but prefer a replacement.

Public Library: updated policy to be specific about how replacement works: the library specifies what replacement they want.

ELD is often slow / delayed: follow-up? The courier company got bought; now, it’s more difficult to see the drivers

Encourage people to do NYPL cards

If there is solo staff or a lot of turnover, how much redundancy is there?

FYI: Idea: ILL training videos to help with staff turnover and training new people

To Do: Send link: Coursera has a course on copyright. Copyright for Librarians and Educators.
there are also notes on a flip chart in Kelsey's office. mainly about the structure of the RS SIGS.
re meeting at other libraries, the consensus was that 2 hrs is good. at another library is good. tours are good.
the distance equation was: the meeting needs to be twice as long as it takes to drive to the location.
also, they're tired of zoom, but would tolerate an online meeting in winter to avoid the hassle of winter travel or snow dates.
also, we took the cookies and almonds, and they ate almost all of the cookies.

Southeastern NY Library Resources Council
21 South Elting Corners Road | Highland, NY 12528
Phone: (845) 883-9065