The meeting was held on Friday, February 26, 2016 from 11:00am-1:00pm. It was convened by Tiffany Davis of Mount Saint Mary College and attendees shared resources and talked about assessment and other related topics.
Notes and resources are below:
Bunch Library’s Information Literacy Program & Assessment Plan
(handouts were available at the meeting.)
TD – It serves the purpose to keep you accountable to close the assessment loop. What do you think about it?
DG – it has a clear format. It wouldn’t take much to adapt it to first year experience.
TD – you could use it to analyze your outreach.
AH – One of the perpetual issues of good analysis is that it is difficult to obtain it from others in other departments
TD – A solution is strategic about what you want to assess, and understand that it’s a big undertaking.
AH –shares stories with the nursing department, and that’s his “in” to foster communication with the department. But knowing all the curriculum is a difficult undertaking.
DG – Focuses on certain classes, not necessarily the entire department.
TD – Identifying your partners on campus helps to gather the information. I hope you can get some idea from this assessment plan
Process Cards
(See link on right)
These are a quick way to work with the framework in a course. They get students thinking about the different ways information becomes available. It gets students thinking about the benefits and drawbacks of each kind of information creation. Has anybody been trying to integrate the frames?
KS – Is coordinating with the prep school for information literacy. They are developing a class and this kind of idea could work for them. She teaches a bias class about evaluating sources. They look at the information cycle.
Trudi Jacobson & Craig Gibson Article
Ways to integrate the framework, in the first year, the faculty has to be involved as well. Teach the concepts behind the steps, not just the steps. The focus is on flipped classroom, time to discuss in small groups.
Computer access in the instruction classroom
RA – professors don’t always want everyone to be on their devices while they’re lecturing, they start off with a note-taking class because it takes a long time to get everyone to practice at the same time. The computer labs are used following the lecture for the hands-on. They work with the English comp class because that reaches everybody.
AH – they have had relationships with some departments, but then it stops. The departments don’t get to learn about the new tools and new interfaces.
TD – they are having students engage with whatever technology they have (padLit) Ask them questions like “why would researchers start with a literature review?” Then they go into search strategy. It’s a long class with a lot to cover. How to get frames integrated into a one-shot session.
Working with faculty
JP – Journaling when you are embedded in a class is important in order to have the faculty understand the role of the library. A written reflection might drive home the point better than multiple-choice clicking.
AH – tries to get the faculty involved, instead of being left alone in the classroom. If he can get the faculty member engaged, or get the students to understand that they work together and see that in real time. Encourage the students to look deeper than one easy place.
JP – You don’t want the students to think they are there just because they have to be there. It’s better to get them to understand why they are there.
KS book recommendations:
Not just where to click – Troy A Swanson
Teaching Information Literacy – Batricia Bravender
Public Libraries Online – “Search vs. Research.”
Credo demonstration
Denise has an article in this season’s ENY/ACRL newsletter. (See link on right)
You can choose what you want to have in your course. The tutorials are embedded, and you can pick and choose the assignments.
RA - What are your learning outcomes for First Year Experience?
TD - Knowing what kind of information is available from the library is the big one.
RA – teachers want students to know concepts that are relevant to the assignment, not necessarily an entire world of information literacy.
Research Log
(handouts were available at the meeting)
TD created and the instructor was happy to have it. The teacher was open to doing something different than usual.
DG – was able to make the case for citations after having a conversation with a professor who was complaining about bad papers. It is about relationship building.
AH – had trouble getting students to watch a 3 minute tutorial. (Professor forgot to assign, students didn’t watch.) He was willing to let them sink or swim, but that didn’t work. He’s giving concepts to the professors so they can prep the class ahead of time. He doesn’t have control of the learning management system.
The log also features a rubric, which is both an activity and an assessment.
Library tours, tutorials & videos
AH – Will send us a video tutorial from his list.
RA – can there be a CE class about making videos? CBG – will add it to the CE Committee’s list.
Software: Articulate’s storyline
iMovie app (from West Point’s library)
KS – they give tours to the parents, a walk-through with librarians leading it. This is for parent weekend and enrolled parents. The idea is to have parents remember the library when the students are struggling.
JP – They give folders to new and interested students. The materials are made for the parents, not the students. The hope is that the parents will remember and have more interaction with students on a daily basis.
DG – APA Citation Style Examples – taken from Google images. Color coded and directs users back to the nursing libGuide.
TD – Framework learning objectives and how they relate to old ACRL
KS – has something similar – ACRL Alignment chart word document. (The link is on the left of the framework libguide)
Choosing a topic – one of the hardest points of research.
In most schools, the faculty is responsible for this part of the paper. Often, the librarians will send the students back to the faculty after a research consultation.
Tiffany Davis, Mount Saint Mary College (Convener)
Karen Shea, United States Military Academy
Andrew Heiz, SUNY - Orange Community College
Richard Arnold, SUNY Sullivan
Denise Garofalo, Mount Saint Mary College
Jen Park, Mount Saint Mary College
Carolyn Bennett Glauda, SENYLRC Staff