- Embedded Librarian program at some colleges. Some college libraries are open, some are not.
-The SIFT model https://hapgood.us/2019/06/19/sift-the-four-moves/
New York Times Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/18/opinion/fake-news-media-attention.html
From chat: “The SIFT model uses lateral reading: https://youtu.be/GZvsGKvqzDs Which encourages readers to move outside a source to learn more about the source. Wikipedia is a useful tool to learn about sources.”
-The Why Method https://www.senylrc.org/sites/senylrc.org/files/the_why_method.pdf
Works for high school and college transition.
-.edu, .gov are reliable sources. Some .orgs are reliable.
-Project with wikipedia? Can be used as an opportunity to fact check. A stepping stone for peer review.
-First year students created projects for other students to understand information creation.
-Faculty outreach? Some places have had more interest in remote library instruction this year since some buildings are still closed. Instruction being delivered on Zoom.
-How to engage the students? Use chat box, ask about their topics, a few students responded. Ask all the students to find an article even if they already know how to research topics.
-Some librarians may have different ways of research.
-Engage using pop culture references as an example.
-Have students find their own way of navigating the library. Explore.
-Co-teaching may have benefits. Maybe between high school and college or college and college.
-Some students and teachers may feel comfortable only using certain databases for certain topics.
-Using Blackboard and requiring reply posts help with assessment.
-What will you miss about remote teaching? Recording the sessions. Online teaching may have helped one teach better. It will be interesting to see how we transition back to in-person. If we’re sick, are we just going to work from home? Will remote ever completely go away? Normalize people wearing masks if they are under the weather but are still running errands.
-Video chatting is beneficial. Preferred by some over text chatting.
-Could video office hours become a thing? Wondering if colleges will increase distance programs.