The High School to College SIG met on November 15, 2018, from 1pm-2:30pm on the eve of a early-season nor'easter. The attendees who were able to make it had a discussion about Open Educational Resources, led by Lara Sibley of SUNY Orange. The group's next meeting will be on February 28, 2019
Strengths of OERs:
Weaknesses of OERs:
Threats of OERs:
Opportunities of OERs:
K-12 Follett has an OER section that they vet.
It would be interesting to see what schools are using it and how they are using it.
Can you teach a class without a textbook?
Encouraging audiobooks is another way to get these materials to reluctant readers
It’s good for schools to have options for either/or paper vs. e-materials. Gradual transitions are worthwhile. They also make it easier for accessibility issues.
Classroom teachers can stand to learn a little bit about the issues in academia to know why traditional publishing still prevails and why peer review doesn't always live up to the standard.