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Special Interest Group Archive: FOLIO SIG 3/13/2018

These are the notes from meetings dating back to 2015.

Notes from the meeting

FOLIO is not an ILS but more a platform upon which the ILS bits and pieces are built; FOLIO is a solution—a central data aggregation platform upon which you perform applications

  • The data (records) are stored in the FOLIO codex, based on BIBFRAME (MARC’s planned replacement). The FOLIO codex is a single data repository. Three types of records:
    • Work (traditional bib info)
    • Instance (is it ebook? Is it print?)
    • Item (barcode, location)
  • Manage collection through the knowledgebase (FOILIO codex)—“unified resource management”
    • Order something (book, ebook, etc) through GOBI
    • GOBI updates the knowledgebase that your library has ordered that something
    • Knowledgebase updates discovery that your library has that something on order
    • Reduces acquisition workload
  • Pointer records point to different repositories so we don’t maintain records but maintain control over our local data
  • MARC records are transformed to be stored in FOLIO codex; same goes for electronic holdings, and other metadata, all transformed to be stored in FOLIO codex. Transformation services have been developed for MARC and Dublin Core; more can be developed
  • Everything is in a single repository (FOLIO codex), like a single collection
  • FOLIO codex helps do really good ERM—DDA, licenses, overlap analysis; everything is managed through a single tool
  • Anticipated FOLIO core applications for v.1: system, resource mgt, acquisitions, circ, repository, data conversion tools (transformation stuff), knowledgebase [cataloging, resources sharing, course reserves not planned for v.1]
  • Until cataloging is developed, can use OCLC or MARCedit (free)
  • Until resource sharing is developed, can use OCLC or other solutions
  • Until course reserves is developed, can use circ and LMS or other online solution
  • Remote authentication is handled by a partner vendor, with the OpenAthens product (used in UK for 10 years, and handles https without issues)
    • Moving away from less secure IP authentication
    • SAMAL—secure handshake
  • Costs
    • Core traditional applications (listed above) are fee
    • Subscription fees for hosting, support, fully managed authentication, and discovery
    • One time implementation cost
    • Annual subscription fees
    • Based on FTE & Carnegie classification
  • FOLIO is fully web-based, browser independent
    • The UX is REACT (software architecture developed by Facebook)
    • Same look and feel over all FOLIO modules
    • Apps are micro-services, so you can change out pieces (app part) for one that you like better developed by the FOLIO community
  • Starting with academic libraries
    • Cornell has 12 FT librarians and 7 FT developers working on FOLIO

<>oDuke has heavy investment in FOLIO

Meeting details

The IT SIG met on March 13, 2018 to discuss FOLIO. The meeting was facilitated by Denise Garofalo of Mount Saint Mary College, who also provided the notes.

Topics for next time

Open Access

Discovery layers

Institutional Repositories

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