-Assessment for Spring 2021: What worked? What didn’t work?
-One participant asked students five questions on how their instruction went during the year.
-Self-Assessment: Librarians have kept journals on their own reflections. What went well? Try to document your instruction classes to remember key points. Others have put sticky notes on lesson plans to point out what went well.
-Majority of classes were virtual. One participant did have one face-to face. Colleges with smaller staff may not have focused so much on assessment. Working virtually went well. Students liked it.
-How to gather statistics with asynchronous content? Are students participating? Some use Moodle. Dive into the courses and see who engaged. Give out grades to get more students to participate.
-Some check usage on LibGuides to see how many people click on them. Some teachers just rely on the LibGuides rather than have library instruction.
-Spring library instruction sunk last semester for some schools.
-Padlet: It was used for some schools for assessment. Some students were excited to use; others weren’t. Google Forms was also used for general assessment. Google Docs and Google Sheets were used for students to collaborate. Jamboard can be used to see how virtual groups are doing; check in on your classmates.
-Some may try the 3...2...1...Approach. Three things you learned, two things you’re not sure about, and one thing that can be improved.
-Indirect assessment: Asking for their perception on what they learned. Not exactly what they will do.
-Rubrics have been used for assessment. It has helped with annual reports.
-Some may start using LibWizard. There is a learning curve to learn it but it can be useful.
-Other assessment and engagement approaches: https://nearpod.com/ and https://edpuzzle.com/
-There are mixed feelings about going back to in-person learning. How will instruction be? In the classroom? Still online? Zoom in?