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Special Interest Group Archive: BI SIG 07/16/15

These are the notes from meetings dating back to 2015.

Thursday, July 16 Meeting

The first Bibliographic Instruction SIG was held on Thursday, July 16 (1:30pm-4:00pm) at SENYLRC. Facilitated by Stephanie Kinsler of Orange Community College, attendees shared resources and ideas surrounding the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy (The 6 Frames). Details from the meeting are found below:

Framework Vocabulary

  • Threshold concepts: core or foundational concepts that, once grasped by the learner, create new perspectives and ways of understanding a discipline or knowledge domain.
  • Knowledge practices: proficiencies or abilities that learners develop as a result of their comprehending a threshold concept.
  • Disposition: a tendency to act or think in a particular way.
  • Metaliteracy: information literacy taken a step further to address the ever changing information environment which includes students as collaborators, producers, and sharers of information. "This approach requires an ongoing adaptation to emerging technologies and an understanding of the critical thinking and reflection required” to participate in digital environments.

Students: “They don’t know what they don’t know.”

Attendees considered how they may better augment student's academic careers with a thorough grounding in information literacy—from freshman-level, on. Also considered were current hurdles to overcome in the effort to better establish information literacy at all levels of education. Some topics discussed included:

  • Google vs. research: introduce threshold concepts and integrate bibliographic instruction early on in order to overcome Google-centric dispositions (disambiguate ‘keyword’ vs. ‘search term’ vs. ‘phrase’).
  • The framework has shifted agency to students; emphasis on inquiry-based learning vs. traditional, regurgitative education.
  • Challenge is to overcome extant dispositions contrary to inquiry-based learning, in both professor and student mindsets.
  • Possible to incorporate bibliographic tutorials (whether instructor-led or virtual) into student participation grades? As part of orientation?


Librarians: Ideal to make early connections with students so that they feel comfortable seeking help throughout their academic careers.

What are some practical strategies to better integrate information literacy into academics? Here are some brainstorming results from the group:

  • Instill a sense of information literacy know-how from the point of freshman orientation, onward.
  • Include ALL incoming freshman in bibliographic instruction, whatever their major or concentration.
  • Work with professors to craft assignments/ projects focused around inquiry-based learning and requiring well-rounded research skills/knowledge of resources.
  • Work with tutor/writing centers/labs to be available for students at these points of contact.
  • Cultivate a digital presence for librarians via text/email/campus intranet.
  • Establish an “embedded librarian” presence via Blackboard and other Learning Management Systems (LMS) to assist students (online and off) with specific research goals in a class-by-class context.

Digital Resources

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

"Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson Plans for Librarians"

"A Working Set of Best Practices in Research Guides"

Southeastern NY Library Resources Council
21 South Elting Corners Road | Highland, NY 12528
Phone: (845) 883-9065