The second meeting of the High School to College Transition SIG was held on August 16th, 2016 at SENYLRC.
Some common topics that emerged included:
NoodleTools ( is a program used frequently in high schools. It is a citation management tool but also a means of helping students to synthesize the content of their sources. NoodleTools.
There was some brainstorming in relation to how to alleviate student's library anxiety.
Documentation was a topic that commanded much of the discussion.
A working group was established to plan a series of workshops about the high school to college transition.
Working Group Members:
The workshops could occur during the spring or summer at local colleges and high schools. Some potential locations include:
Tuesday, January 24th from 12:00pm-3:00pm at SENYLRC
Snow date: January 25th same time and place
High school librarians asked, "What do college librarians want to see in their incoming freshman?"
Discovery Tools:
Transgender Students