The first Grant Writing SIG met on January 18, 2017
Questions and Answers that came up during our discussion:
Thoughts on grant writing from Eric:
Get used to rejection.
Writing is the last thing you do when you're grant writing.
Think of grants as contracts.
Grants are not a simple revenue source - sometimes you have to say no.
Grants are about projects, they have a beginning, a middle, and and end.
Include your goals to be used for demonstrable objectives & outcomes.
$10K budget + $5K grant = $15K budget. The grant money is extra revenue.
$10K budget (includes) a $5K grant = $10K budget. The grant money is part of your income.
$10K budget (includes) $2.5K of grant + $2.5K revenue = $12.5K budget, AKA the sweet spot of grant maintenance.
(remember: you are showing the funders only the project budget, not your operating budget.)
What did you think of this meeting? Share your thoughts with this evaluation.
Alice Graves SENYLRC Staff
Anna Herscher
Carolyn Bennett Glauda SENYLRC Staff
Dawn Jardine Red Hook Public Library
Eric Roth Mohonk Preserve - Daniel Smiley Research Center
Grace Zimmermann Somers Historical Society
Julia Hickey Women's Studio Workshop
Laura Wolven Orangeburg Library
Lisa Hewel Walden Josephine-Louise Public Library
Lynn Alouesa Town of Plattekill Historical Society
Matthew Thorenz Moffat Library of Washingtonville
Nancy Gilman Town of Plattekill Historical Society
Nikki Shayer Marist College
Sarah Imboden Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Sharon Fetters St. Thomas Aquinas College
Shirley Anson Town of Plattekill Historical Society