February 20th, 2019 was the first meeting of the Archives SIG. It was convened by Anastasia Matijkiw and Amelia Parks of Documentary Heritage & Preservation Services for New York (DHPSNY).
After introductions, Jen Palmentiero, the Digital Services Librarian at Southeastern, presented on Empire ADC.
After Jen’s presentation, Anastasia and Amelia talked about DHPSNY services.
Archival Needs assessment:
Preservation Survey:
Condition Survey:
Strategic Planning assistance:
After the presentation Amelia & Anastasia facilitated a discussion.
What challenges are people facing in their archives?
DHPSNY contact:
Site: https://dhpsny.org
Phone: (215) 545-0613
General email: info@dhpsny.org
Anastastia Matijkiw, Project Manager
Amelia Parks, Archives Specialist
Ideas for the next meeting: it might be useful to talk about outreach. How to connect with people and and tell stories from your archives. There is a marketing toolbox day at Southeastern May 2nd, which will have speakers touching on this topic.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 19th! 9-30 : 12:30. (Convener TBD). If you want to be a convener let Carolyn know.