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Special Interest Group Archive: Information Literacy 05/23/2108

These are the notes from meetings dating back to 2015.

Meeting Date

The Information Literacy Instruction group met on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 and was convened by Jen Park of Mount Saint Mary College.

Notes from the meeting are below.


Successful instruction sessions from the past year.

            Thoughts to ponder:

                        What made these sessions successful? How was this gauged? Simply by using a form or was any follow-up involved? Did the faculty member provide feedback?

            Partner librarian program works well. Librarians are in the classroom far more and are able to build relationships.

Being invited into the classroom when the instruction session was conducted in close proximity to the assignment.

            Have the students be mobile and go into the stacks.

                        Students do not want to have a straight lecture.

            Students followed up afterwards for further instruction (informal assessment of a successful session)

            Small group work had a positive effect on the IL session.  

            Having students work at computers keeps them focused and reinforce rather than show them information on a screen at the front of the room.

            Discussion then revolved around the “flipped classroom” method with some librarians having conducted IL sessions surrounding this method.


Failed instruction sessions

            Thoughts to ponder:

                        What made these sessions successful? How was this gauged? Simply by using a form or was any follow-up involved? Did the faculty member provide feedback? What do you feel contributed to the failure? Was it logistics-related? Student? Faculty? Something in your personal life?

                        What were your reflects on the session? Would you conduct the same session again this coming year?

                                    Equipment not working is a failure.

            Coming into the class two weeks too late for the particular IL session to be relevant--timing.

            Disruptive students create a hostile environment.

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